Well,here we go again, I get amazed by the capabilities of Blender in another method that undoubtedly will allow me to retexture all my work, easily, and take my flatshading to something more visually stunning.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
An easy way to create texture mapping without complicated UVs
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Reduce Poly Count and Bake
Okay, it's not actually as hard as you think, to bake items over to a new mesh, but it CAN be daunting, especially if you don't know what you're doing.
In comes Markom3d, and a wonderful tutorial that I'll be using to create so many new texture maps. You can follow along here, as I've embedded the Youtube Video.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Cutting Seams for 3d models
I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to UV unwrapping and setting textures to my 3d models. I get my model in Blender, and I hit Smart UV Unwrap, and instant regret. I see dozens of little islands, basicalyl the whole of the UV mesh all scattered around with NO feasible workaround to create multiple variations of teture for my 3d model, there's no reusability that way.
Luckily, our AgileGameDev on Youtube came up with a unique tutorial on how to create seams, those things that ensure that islands are set in a certain way as to allow a more seamless (pardon the pun) way to create your UV maps for texturing or texture painting.